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About Kids Focus Physiotherapy

Kids Focus Physiotherapy is a paediatric physiotherapy practice dedicated to infants, children, adolescents and their families.  Kids Focus Physiotherapy is founded by Sarah Wong, a leading paediatric physiotherapist.  Sarah specializes in looking after infants and children with motor delays, movement difficulties and early intervention.  Sarah believes that all children are special and deserve the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.  Kids Focus Physiotherapy is committed to help them achieve it.  
Why choose Kids Focus Physiotherapy
Children are not miniature adults.  Besides being physically different, they have different emotional, social and psychological needs.  These needs can only be met by experienced health professionals with the right expertise.  Kids Focus Physiotherapy is the ideal place where professionalism, specialist knowledge, skills and expertise converge to provide the best care for your little ones.

For enquiries, please call Kids Focus Physiotherapy at 6763 8716 or email: [email protected]

Why do children need physiotherapy?

Neurological Conditions
Children with cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy or chromosomal disorders (such as trisomy 21) have difficulties learning to use their bodies, hands and legs to create meaningful movements and develop motor skills. 

Children born prematurely spent their early infancy in hospitals. Their immature body systems put them at risk of significant motor delays.  They find it more challenging to coordinate their little arms and legs and hence the need for extra assistance.

Prolonged Illness
Children do become physically weak after a bout of very serious illness that resulted in a long hospital stay.  These children experience muscle wasting, become breathless with mild exertion and tire easily.  Physiotherapy will rebuild their physical strength and endurance. 

Ligament strains and muscle aches
Toddlers and young children may have loose ligaments that don’t support their joints well.  The ligaments that hold up the arches of the feet are often affected, giving rise to flat feet.  These kids often complain of feet pain and muscle aches after physical activity.